今年是臺灣皮膚美容醫學學術研討會邁入第五個年頭,同時也是2017年的皮膚科春季學術研討會,承繼以往的傳統,大會安排了皮膚醫學及美容醫學兩大部分。皮膚醫學包括Nail surgery、Psychodermatology、psoriasis、wound care等。美容醫學則首次與臺灣皮膚暨美容外科醫學會、整形外科醫學會一同合辦,同時舉行了第四屆東亞皮膚外科研討會。主要的內容有台灣首次3D解剖課程、針劑注射及多種皮膚外科的手術治療。
最後 在此感謝 蔡仁雨理事長、楊志勛會長、許乃仁秘書長、王昭欽副祕書長及所有其他籌備委員的努力策劃,並預祝大會成功。
Dear Colleagues,
It is both my pleasure and honor to welcome you to Kaohsiung for the 5 th Taiwan Dermatology Aesthetic Conference (TDAC), held in conjunction with the 4 th East Asian Dermatologic Surgery (EADS) conference.
We are honoring again to have the Taiwan Society of Plasty Surgery to organize the conference. This event features two days of the best in dermatology and aesthetic medicine covering laser, energy based devices, injectable, skin cancer and aesthetic surgery. It brings together highly respected, internationally renowned speakers who will share their experiences and knowledge with all of us.
With the growing needs for aesthetic medicine around the world, but particularly in Asia and the Pacific, we must develop appropriately trained teams and cadre to help provide the skin care that is required. We are confident that we will be able to get significant cutting-edge advancements during this congress and will impact and sharpen the future of dermatology.
With all of your support and participation, the 5 th TDAC Congress will be not just a scientific educational event but an important platform for knowledge exchange, networking and shared learning.
Jason, CH Yang, MD
Congress Chair, 5th TDAC 2017